Considering last week's post was about Corona, I definitely wasn't planning to write about it again but with the world progressing as it has- it's inevitable.
This stay at home order is insane- I'm working from home, slowly losing my mind as my cats pry my attention from my computer, wondering why I'm home and not showering them with attention.
((Meanwhile Snickers is just wondering why I'm interrupting his naps))
It's been two days of work from home and I already miss coworkers... And printers. And a fax machine. And a calculator that isn't on my phone. Normal office supplies have become a dream.
One good thing about work from home is that all of the chores are getting done on my lunch break- we've never had so little laundry to do!
Also- EVERYTHING cool is closed. No bowling alley, no movie theater, no eating out, Starbucks is closed. We shouldn't be visiting family and friends, otherwise we risk both their and our health. Life as we know it has stalled. And I'm already bored (as well as under caffeinated!).
I of course wish nothing but good health for all and I'm looking forward to CoVid19 being a crazy story that we all tell our kids down the road... but can we chill with the fear? Is it really as bad as they say? I know I'll probably change my thoughts on that if someone I personally know gets sick but goodness... wash your hands and get on with it!
I'm looking forward to the weekend and maybe taking a walk around the block while still "staying at home." I'm looking forward to some free time to mess with my plants and maybe making breakfast and sharing a close moment with Josh... something we rarely get to do because we're usually on the go each and every weekend.
Here's hoping you all have enough toilet paper to last you the quarantine!