Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Corona Update 1 of ?

Considering last week's post was about Corona, I definitely wasn't planning to write about it again but with the world progressing as it has- it's inevitable.

Is anyone else as over this as I am? Like over over. I'm ready for normalcy and being able to go where I want, when I want.

This stay at home order is insane- I'm working from home, slowly losing my mind as my cats pry my attention from my computer, wondering why I'm home and not showering them with attention.

((Meanwhile Snickers is just wondering why I'm interrupting his naps))

It's been two days of work from home and I already miss coworkers... And printers. And a fax machine. And a calculator that isn't on my phone. Normal office supplies have become a dream.

One good thing about work from home is that all of the chores are getting done on my lunch break- we've never had so little laundry to do!

Also- EVERYTHING cool is closed. No bowling alley, no movie theater, no eating out, Starbucks is closed. We shouldn't be visiting family and friends, otherwise we risk both their and our health. Life as we know it has stalled. And I'm already bored (as well as under caffeinated!).

I of course wish nothing but good health for all and I'm looking forward to CoVid19 being a crazy story that we all tell our kids down the road... but can we chill with the fear? Is it really as bad as they say? I know I'll probably change my thoughts on that if someone I personally know gets sick but goodness... wash your hands and get on with it! 

I'm looking forward to the weekend and maybe taking a walk around the block while still "staying at home." I'm looking forward to some free time to mess with my plants and maybe making breakfast and sharing a close moment with Josh... something we rarely get to do because we're usually on the go each and every weekend. 

Here's hoping you all have enough toilet paper to last you the quarantine!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


You can't go anywhere without hearing the word "Coronavirus." You can't go to the grocery store late at night without being reminded that there is a bit of a panic about town. The canned goods are picked over, the disinfectant aisle appears to be more of a ghost of its former self, hand sanitizer is two to three times it's normal price. The toilet paper... it's gone (seriously, someone let me know where it can be found... I'm not trying to shower everytime I poo).

Some of you may know but I'm presently taking a social media hiatus. This is both the best and worst time to do this I feel as a lot of the news I've read over the years has originated from Facebook. Now I'm getting my information from word of mouth and fact checking it using Google... and missing the hilarious memes being born of this time.

The biggest thing I can think of about this at this time is prevention.

• Wash your hands, regularly
• Sanitize regularly touched surfaces
• Don't touch your face, or at least try to avoid it
• Cough and sneeze into your elbow to prevent your spray reaching others
• Don't lick doorknobs or handles
• Wash your freaking hands.

Seems to be the best thing for most (or all) of us to do is stay inside and ride this out.

To the teenagers loudly coughing and hacking for attention in grocery stores... grow up. Someone will do to you what I dream of.


Spread word of what your plan is so as to ease others' concerns. We're in a confusing time right now and it's better to have too much information than too little.

This whole thing has been becoming increasingly more difficult to deal with as it interrupts our most basic of daily tasks. The thought of mandatory temperature checks and monitoring of who we come into contact with in the event we or they get sick... it's crazy. I haven't even been to see my newest niece and nephew yet due to concern around hospitals.

I'm ready for normalcy!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Respect is a word that a recent few have seemed to have forgotten the meaning of.

Respect is something that should be obvious, you get it when you show it.

It's not solely about what you show in public, it's also what you exude when behind closed doors.

It's treating others in a manner that you would accept as treatment to yourself from others... the golden rule.

It's an understanding with another individual that they have nothing to worry themselves over, at least when it comes to you.

It's not being crass and obscene when nobody is around.

It's not hiding actions when you know it will upset someone else.

Respect is being open.

Respect is being honest.

Respect should be mutual.

Clearly I'm a little bent out of shape- for reasons that I will not disclose beyond this post.

I just feel like from time to time, people need to be reminded that the actions they take have reactions, be they major or minor, and that people on the outside will always have their own opinions from their vantage point.

We all have experiences that have shaped us into the people we are today. From those experiences we determine how we will handle other experiences moving forward. These experiences will also allow you the ability to share your knowledge of the situation with someone presently experiencing what you've found.

All of this, back to respect. I will not respect you for doing something that I have a bad experience from, when you know the experience I had was not a pleasant one. I've imparted my experience to you, you knew how I reacted. You should know that I won't stand idly by when you attempt or act like you intend to do to someone else what has been done to me.

I will raise my voice, refusing to be silenced. No matter our friendship or relationship, I will do what I feel necessary to make you understand the lack or respect you're showing others and, by your actions, me.

Respect one another. Only do what you would want done. Life is too short to ruin a good thing or someones hopes and dreams.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Working on my Fitness, He's my Witness (Oh Wee!)

As a large lady (1X if we're being honest), why is going to the gym so incredibly intimidating? I know for sure that I make bigger deals out of small things but I can't help but to feel a slight sense of dread to go to the gym and work out. It's so disgusting but I feel myself checking everytime I walk in to see if I'm the one who has the most to lose. If someone is larger than me or around the same size, it's the only way I feel even remotely comfortable... even then, I feel like I'm expected to have perfect form and know exactly what I'm doing, otherwise I'll be left to face ridicule.

Josh and I have really upped our gym appearances and I feel like I'm edging towards becoming more comfortable. I find I'm telling myself more often that the extra weight we carry belongs at the gym (where we hope to leave it) and that this is why I'm here... to make this tum smaller and my muscles larger. But still, I question if others are looking, judging:

"How did she allow herself to get there?"
"And THAT is why I work out"

My concerns about this are ridiculous and it affects my performance. In reality, everyone is focused solely on their own workouts, increasing their own strength, working on maintaining their own body image.

Working out is enjoyable. To feel my body growing both stronger and weaker as I work at perfecting motions to encourage strength. To feel sore after a great workout has become a sign that I'm doing the right thing for my body, pushing limits without breaking.

If only I could remove my mental inhibitions to really get the most out of my workouts. That initial 5-10 minutes in the gym is the worst, getting settled into knowing I don't look like some of the other amazing bodies that are in and working out... but then I think, some of them had to have been where I am now. I can get to where they are too.

Feeling fit- I'm coming for ya.

For the Last Time

There will come a time when we do all things for the last time. My fiance and I came to this revelation one evening whil...