Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Who am I?

I thought maybe I should start this thing off with a little about me and my goals for this page. 

If you're reading this, you probably already know me. I'm Monica, soon to be Mrs. Spada. I'm engaged to (as cheesy and overused this sentiment is) my best friend of 4 years and in June 2021, we'll pledge to be each other's forever, till death to us part. I've already made him, my beloved Josh, promise to outlive me, at least by a day. The thought of a day without him leaves me feeling bewildered. I'm a cat mom to three hellions; Snickers (14), Sophie (8), and Whiskey (1). Snickers is my favorite old guy and I'm pretty certain he'll outlive all of us. Sophie is my sweet girl. She's terrified of everything but she cuddles when I'm feeling blue. Whiskey is our demon child. If she's not biting at our toes, she's tormenting her siblings. We also have a beta fish named Gordy. He plays dead often. He enjoys kicking it being suctioned next to the filter in the tank. 

     ((The only time they're good... food))

I'm a middle child, sandwiched between both an older and younger brother and have a handful of step siblings and "basically" family relations. I'm not one of those "blood over everything" type people as family comes to us in a variety of ways. Sometimes the best family for us is the ones we choose. 

I'm a paralegal at a law firm and I wholeheartedly enjoy my job. I enjoy being able to help people out in their time of need and feeling like I really can make a difference in their lives. I feel valued as a member of the the team as a whole, by fellow coworkers, management, and the attorneys. Who knew hanging with people who know the law to the T could be a good time?

Beyond being an engaged cat mom, my interests include music (lately new rock and hit pop but my Jonas Brothers will always top the list), reading (when I have the time), crafting (especially with the upcoming wedding), listening to all of the true crime podcasts, socializing, staying in, movies out, and going on adventures with my love.

So, what am I hoping to do with this blog? Imagine a diary but with more self deprecating humor and whitt but less whining about not getting my way and complaining about my brothers... love you both!

Welcome to my page!

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