Wednesday, March 18, 2020


You can't go anywhere without hearing the word "Coronavirus." You can't go to the grocery store late at night without being reminded that there is a bit of a panic about town. The canned goods are picked over, the disinfectant aisle appears to be more of a ghost of its former self, hand sanitizer is two to three times it's normal price. The toilet paper... it's gone (seriously, someone let me know where it can be found... I'm not trying to shower everytime I poo).

Some of you may know but I'm presently taking a social media hiatus. This is both the best and worst time to do this I feel as a lot of the news I've read over the years has originated from Facebook. Now I'm getting my information from word of mouth and fact checking it using Google... and missing the hilarious memes being born of this time.

The biggest thing I can think of about this at this time is prevention.

• Wash your hands, regularly
• Sanitize regularly touched surfaces
• Don't touch your face, or at least try to avoid it
• Cough and sneeze into your elbow to prevent your spray reaching others
• Don't lick doorknobs or handles
• Wash your freaking hands.

Seems to be the best thing for most (or all) of us to do is stay inside and ride this out.

To the teenagers loudly coughing and hacking for attention in grocery stores... grow up. Someone will do to you what I dream of.


Spread word of what your plan is so as to ease others' concerns. We're in a confusing time right now and it's better to have too much information than too little.

This whole thing has been becoming increasingly more difficult to deal with as it interrupts our most basic of daily tasks. The thought of mandatory temperature checks and monitoring of who we come into contact with in the event we or they get sick... it's crazy. I haven't even been to see my newest niece and nephew yet due to concern around hospitals.

I'm ready for normalcy!

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