Wednesday, January 15, 2020


So, something novel to mine and Josh's relationship began a few years back following New Year's Day. We don't fight or argue too often, at least not actually. We play argue all the time, our sarcastic and joking natures thriving in those moments, usually leading to laughs or tickle fights, wherein he typically triumphs.

When we do have a heated discussion that is teetering on the edge of of full blown arguing, one thing we like to do to ease tensions is pointing out "first fight," and the year. Yeah, it's as dumb as it sounds. But when you're arguing and hear "first fight, 2020" you mentally check yourself. I always picture a photo album. You know, where there's a label for the day/occasion and then fun pictures and a little description? When that's in your mind, it's hard to want to place the argument there. "Are we really about to be actually mad about this? This is silly!" And it allows us to come back down from the ledge to become more rational minded.

While writing this out I realized that we hadn't yet had one of these moments this year. I even double checked. I do my checking for you guys, as evidenced below.

    Please note the "..." that never bore a.          response. He's a smart man ;)

So, what's the point of this post? Just a reminder to take a step back sometimes. Some things may seem like a big deal in the moment but play the moment out in a different light and things are probably less heavy. Breathe y'all. It's the cheapest form of anger management.

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