Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New year, New Me?

2019 is officially over and 2020, the year of hindsight, is in full effect. There was so much greatness that 2019 brought about. I'm engaged to be married to the man of my dreams, I received a promotion at work, got to go to Vegas for the second time, and went on an amazing cruise through work, making and realizing great friendships, just to name a few top moments. 

My friends took time this year to reflect on the past NYEs and remainder of the years in the past decade as well as do the traditional expressing of resolutions for the year.

One "resolution" stood out in particular. My friend Katie expressed that she doesn't focus so much on the resolution itself but chooses a word to focus her lifestyle on for the year. This year, her word was gratitude.

How beautiful and taken advantage of is the ability to express gratitude? To simply be grateful for another's presence or voice or effort in any given situation? Or to be thankful for what we have, the people around us, the shortcomings we've successfully overcame? To be thankful and grateful for what we have is a gift we can give each day. 

As for my resolution... well, that's a bit more than a single word to live by. My 2020 will see more of me doing what makes me happy. If I had to boil it down to a single word, my best would be... happiness. Whatever route that takes me down, my goal in 2020 is to choose my happiness. Be it a spontaneous weekend trip with the love of my life, going to the store and grabbing a new book to happily dive into, visiting people or places that welcome me with open arms, or pushing people to live their lives to the fullest and push for those seemingly out of reach goals... 2020 will see me smile more than ever before, this I promise. 

2020, you're the year of seeing it all. 

Happy New Year!

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