Perhaps "crave" is the wrong terminology here but I've really been down as of late. I truly believe, and have long believed, that I deal with some seasonal mood disorder that comes about this time of year, which brings about this feeling of desire for "something."
I truly am happy, I've got great things. A great family, great relationship, friends, coworkers, job. I'm healthy (minus some weight). I'm financially stable. I have a home. I quite literally am never hurting for anything...
But yet, I'm here, finding little faults and yearning for a change.
I can't wait to move from our apartment into a home of our own. Nothing feels permanent at our apartment, if they gave us word that we had to move for whatever reason in the next week, I'd have no issue packing up and shipping out.
I go between wanting to rush our wedding, to "get it done," but as much as I'd be okay with a courthouse wedding, I know for sure I want my loved ones around to celebrate the day with us. But the thought of planning something bigger than even 10 people stresses me beyond words... I couldn't even order pizza when my brother recently moved for family... too much stress.
I "crave" making a name for myself in some sense. Maybe this is egotistical but I feel I have good opinions and sound logic, this is a reason I'm so adamant about not backing down about things I believe in. I'm very pro "doing whatever makes sense to you" as long as you're not stomping on someone else's rights. I'm a person advocate and want only to help others get what they need.
I think most of all I "crave" having a child. I can't wait to experience that alien feeling of being pregnant and feeling the baby move. I want to be a mom. I want to raise a good human and teach the ways of the world to that tiny person who will grow to see that they have a power to do something with their life. I want to see Josh as a dad. He's so good to me and the three fur kids we have, I'm sure that his transition to father would be as amazing.
All this said- once spring and summer hit and that sweet, sweet sunshine is in full effect, my "cravings" will lessen and again happiness and satisfaction will be my name.